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Adding Bids to the Scheduler

Bids can also be added to your JobPro Scheduler, however this is only used for tentative start dates. This allows the user to assign an estimated start date for the job and it will show up on the scheduler. Adding the bid can be done one of two ways, you can add it from the bid (details found here> Bids ) or from the scheduler.

  1. To add a bid to the calendar from the scheduler, make your you have clicked on the ‘Bids’ tab in the upper left corner

  2. Just like with Jobs or Purchase Orders, your most recent Bids will be displayed to the right of the calendar. If the Bid you are looking for does not appear on this list you can search for it in the Search fields above. As you type results will auto-populate in the list below.

  3. Once you have found the bid you are searching for, drag and drop the bid to the appropriate date.

  4. After your bid has been added, you can right click in the box and click ‘Open’ to be taken to the bid’s page.


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