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Commission Reconciliation Report

Commission Reconciliation occurs when individual work orders are closed out to ensure the total job pays out the correct commission.  For example, if your company uses different gross profit tiers to calculate the commission rate, one of the work orders may carry more costs and another work order.  When processing is completed, JobPro calculates the commission owed for all the work orders connected to the job that have been closed out.  JobPro will then create a commission adjustment, if needed, to the work order to ensure the total job's commission is correct.  This process can be difficult to follow so the JobPro team has created a report to help.

The Commission Reconciliation Report can be found on the job information tab on the job page.  The report will display all the work orders connect to the job that have been closed (processing completed) in the order they were closed.  From this report, JobPro admins can see the running totals, commissions, and adjustments made.

This report can only be run after processing has been completed.

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