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Employee Revenue

This report gives you a quick look at revenue that has been generated based on the assigned resource. You can filter this by resource, Job Name, Job ID, Install date range, and/or Customer Name. The results will display the filter information along with Revenue totals, Quantity, Hours, and Material/Labor Costs.

Now, an update has been made to this report to now include an option to run the report by Employee or Crew. A new ‘Type’ field has been added that allows you to choose between which report you would like to run.

  1. To run this report navigate to the ‘Reports’ dropdown on the main menu and click ‘Employee Revenue

  2. A new page will open that contains the search filters you can apply. Simply fill out any necessary information and click ‘Run Report

    1. Be sure to choose either ‘Employee’ or ‘Crew’ from the ‘Type’ field to determine what type of report you will run.

  3. The list of jobs will appear below the search criteria.

  4. From here you have the options to print or export the report to an Excel workbook.

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