February 2020
Tech App Update
We have updated the Tech App to allow users to enter in like items as a group. You can still add entries as before, but there will be new buttons that allow you to enter materials for items as a group. The new buttons are located in the upper left of the materials screen, seen below.
The first button will allow the user to group like items. This will combine items based on their names. The next button controls the order the items appear on the page, whether by their name or their Item Type.
2. Bids Show on Scheduler
The user can now place bids on the scheduler based on their estimated start date. This will allow the user to plan jobs around when future jobs are estimated to begin. Bids with an estimated start date will display on the scheduler if the bid’s tab is turned on. When the bid is accepted and scheduled, the job will display as scheduled and the bid view will disappear from the scheduler.
3. Bid Type Filter on Bid Search Page
The Bid Search page will now include a new filter, so that bids can be filtered by their type. This will allow users to search for change orders in the system.
4. Pricing by Set
A new field has been added to the new Bid Worksheet in JobPro. This field will display under tax and will display the Subtotal of the item divided by the installed quantity. For example, foam items will display in a price per set so that the user can see what the selling cost of that item is per set.
5. Add Job to Quickbooks
Jobs can now be sent over to Quickbooks, in addition to Invoices and Customers. After a customer is linked to QuickBooks, each invoice will be sent over with its corresponding job. The job will act like a sub-customer as job currently work in QuickBooks. This feature is only available in the Desktop versions of QuickBooks. Please contact JobPro Support if you would like this feature turned on.