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July 2019


  1. Edit Notes Field on Bid Worksheet

    1. In the Bid Worksheet, the user will now be able to click on the Bid Details, Job Details, and Quantity field to edit them without opening/expanding the item, much like other fields on the line. This means that the item never needs to be expanded to edit any field.

  2. Assembly Items

    1. JobPro currently has the ability to estimate one item on the bid worksheet which can translate into multiple items on the job.  This update now applies a yield to the new items.  In the past, the items would be added to the job with a quantity of 0 but with this update the user can set a yield between the base item and the additional items.  For example, if the user estimates 500 sqft of R13 Loose Fill and has two assembly items of nettings and staples.  The netting can have a yield of 200 sqft per roll and the staples can have a yield of 2 staples per sqft.  When the job is created, the 500 sqft of R13 Loose Fill will be added as well as 2.5 rolls of netting and 250 staples.  Please contact JobPro Support if you are interested in setting up this feature.

  3. Commission Aging Plans

    1. This update will allow users to associate a Commission Aging Plan to a specific Commission Plan, as well as the ability to have Commission Plans without an Aging Plans.

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