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November 2021

Enhancements and Updates

  1. New Customer Status Field on the Report Builder

JobPro has added a new field to the report builder that allows you to include the customer status in your search results. This new field can be found in the ‘Basic Data’ column of the ‘Results to Display. Simply click the check box next to ‘Customer Status’ to include it in your search results.

2. Updated Email Contacts

Previously when emailing a Customer Proposal or Invoice within your JobPro system, the only contacts that would auto populate in the ‘Email To’, ‘CC’, and ‘BCC’ fields were the ones directly assigned to the bid/invoice you were emailing from. Now, an update has been made so that the dropdowns in these fields will display any contacts related to the assigned customer. This update is meant to simplify the process of emailing customers that may have a variety of different contacts to choose from.

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