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Proposal Price/Profit Restrictions

Price/Profit Restrictions can be configured to limit when a Proposal may be created through the Bid Worksheet. These can be configured at the office, resource, or company-wide level. Resource-level settings override the Office level, and Office-level settings override those at the Company level.

  1. To begin setting up new restrictions, navigate to the System Configuration page from the Settings dropdown.

  2. Click ‘Proposal Price/Profit Restrictions

  3. If you have any restrictions set up, this is where they are stored. To add a new restriction click the green ‘+Add Proposal Price/Profit Restrictions

    1. There are three types of restrictions that can be set up

      1. Company Default-- this applies to all users unless they fall under the office or resource-level restrictions

      2. Office Restrictions--this overrides all company limits. It applies to users whose primary office is listed below unless they also have resource level restrictions

      3. Resource Restrictions--This level of restriction overrides ALL other restrictions. These can be used to exempt users from the office or company-wide limits by leaving the fields empty.

  4. A pop-up window will appear that allows you to choose which type of restriction you’d like to set up. Choose which one you want from the dropdown menu and click ‘Next

  5. From here you can choose to set your min/max restrictions one or all of the following options

    1. Total Price-- this allows you to set the min/max dollar amount for the total price

    2. Gross Profit Percentage-- this allows you to set a min/max percentage the Gross profit must meet

    3. Net Profit Percentage-- this allows you yo set a min/max percentage that the Net Profit must meet

      If you are setting up restrictions based on Office or Resource, you will have the option to choose which office or resource those restrictions apply to within the pop-up window

  6. Once you are finished entering your min/max settings, click ‘Add

  • You can edit any restrictions that have previously been set up by clicking the pencil icon to the right of the restriction you’d like to edit

  • You can delete any restrictions that have been previously set up by clicking the red trashcan icon to the right of the restriction you’d like to delete.

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