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Sales Breakdown

The Sales Breakdown Report allows users to get a quick glance at the sales within their organization, which is broken down in four different ‘Report Types’. The first option is the Salesperson report type. When chosen, the salesperson report breaks down the company’s sales per salesperson. You will be able to see a Job Total which is then broken down further into each Job Type. The second option is the Job Type report. This will break down the total sales by Job Type. Each job type is then broken down into which office the sales belong to. The third option is the ‘Yearly’ report. This report breaks down the sales by each month of the year and then displays the month's sales of the past three years and the current year. The fourth and final option is the Bid Type report. Much like the Job Type report, this breaks down the sales per Bid Type. Each of these four reports can be filtered by the Salesperson, Year, Job Type, Month, and Office to further narrow down your displayed data.

  1. To run the Sales Breakdown, navigate to the ‘Reports' dropdown on the main menu and click ‘Sales Breakdown’

  2. Enter any necessary information in the search filters and click ‘Run Report

  3. The report information will be displayed below the search filters

  4. From here you have the opportunity to print or export the report to an Excel workbook.

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