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Setting up Request Questions

  • To begin the process of setting up a new set of Request Question, go to the System Configurations tab located in the settings drop down menu.

  • Once you are in the system configurations, click on the ‘Request Types’ tab located towards the bottom of the list. Then click “+Request Type” to add a new set of questions.

  • This action will prompt a new menu to load. Give your new Request Type a specific name, and add as many questions as you would like.

  • When entering a new question, you can choose from several different actions that directly affect the request questions.

    • Text Only--the question is only going to show up as a text.

    • Input--allows the user to input the necessary data directly onto the request question

    • Date--allows user to enter a date directly onto the request question

      • Required--shows the user that this question is required for the datasheet.

  • Here is an example of how the Request Questions will display on the datasheet.

  • Request Types and questions can be deleted at any time by simply clicking the “Delete Request Type” button or the trash can icons beside each question.

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